About GSUN

Changing the world, together, through sport

The Global Sport University Network seeks to be the worldwide trusted and respected source of higher-education knowledge, research and policy advice in sport.

The GSUN is a group of universities from around the world that harnesses knowledge on sport to solve timely, complex problems that no one university could fully address on its own. The network connects industry, governing bodies, sport commissions, media and other key stakeholders with researchers, educators and higher education institutions in four key thematic areas:

  • Injury prevention, physical health, and mental wellbeing for athletes and for anyone who participates in sport and undertakes physical activity.

  • How sport can contribute to development, peacebuilding, social cohesion and inclusivity at all levels, with particular attention to gender, race, disability, sexuality and aging populations.

  • How technology, engineering solutions, data management and analytic techniques can enhance competitive performance and improve individual and community well-being.

  • Minimize environmental impact of sport and accelerate progress towards net zero.

Across these four themes, we invite participation from all disciplines, leveraging science, engineering and technology, the social sciences, humanities, business, design, law, communications, education, and other fields to maximize the positive impact of sport.

Leadership Council 

The GSUN will be governed by a Leadership Council of ten Higher Education Institutions from around the globe.

Council members are from:

  • German Sport University Cologne, Germany

  • Loughborough University, UK

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US

  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

  • University of British Columbia, Canada

  • University of Cape Town, South Africa

  • University of Oregon, US

  • University of Queensland, Australia

  • University of São Paulo, Brazil

  • Waseda University, Japan