
September 12-13, 2024

DAY ONE - September 12

9/12   9:15–10:15 a.m.

Female Athlete Keynote

Presented by Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Oregon


Kathryn Ackerman, Director, Wu Tsai Female Athlete Program, Boston Children’s Hospital / Chair, US Rowing Medical and Sports Science Commission / Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Jennifer Langton, Former Senior Vice President of Player Health and Innovation at the National Football League (NFL) 

John Strong, Soccer Play-by-Play Announcer, FOX Sports

9/12   10:30–11:00 a.m.

INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT: Knight Campus Seminar Room

Unlocking the Outdoors for Everyone Through Innovation 


Haskell Beckham, VP Innovation, Columbia Sportswear

9/12   11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.


Optimizing Human-Technology Integration 


Sam Robertson, Track Consulting / Professor, Victoria University

Human Technology Interaction 


Wolfgang Potthast, German Sport University 

9/12   1:45–3:15 p.m.

AI for Inclusivity in Sport Performance

This panel focuses on AI for Inclusivity in Sport Performance, exploring how AI transforms sports to be more inclusive and equitable. Experts across AI development, data science, and sports sectors will discuss AI's impact on tailored training, real-time analytics, and adaptive equipment development. Attendees will gain insights into leveraging AI to address inclusivity challenges in sports, fostering equal opportunities for athletes at all levels. 

Panel Members:

Diwei Zhou (Moderator), Professor, Loughborough University

Karan Kanchan, CEO and Founder, Vayu Technology

YingLiang Ma, Professor, University of East Anglia 

Daniel Memmert, Professor, Dr., German Sport University Cologne

Jo Maher, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Sport and Professor of Practice in the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University

9/12   1:45–3:15 p.m.

Disability, Para Sport and Inclusive Practice: Contemporary Issues and Future Challenges

Growing interest and heightened attention in Para sport is creating a hypervisibility on athletic potential and performance of Para athletes and on the development of policy, funding and support for performance and participation for disabled people. Coaches, for example, are often torn between talent identification and development, while organizations tussle with the pros and cons of integration. This panel explores issues arising for coaches, coaching, talent identification, development, and opportunity, illustrated through practical exemplars. 

Panel Members:

Graeme Maw, PhD (Moderator), Honorary Associate Professor in the Te Huataki Waiora School of Health

David Legg, Professor, Mount Royal University

Dr. Robert Townsend, Disability Lead, Sport New Zealand / Senior Lecturer, University of Waikato, New Zealand

Dr. Andrea Bundon, Associate Professor, The University of British Columbia

Emma Beckman, Associate Professor, University of Queensland

Stephanie Wheeler, Head Coach, Women's Wheelchair Basketball at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

9/12   1:45–3:15 p.m.

Training the Female Athlete: Past, Present, Future

Presented by Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Oregon

Participation and performance in women's sports has grown exponentially in recent decades, however many of the current principles of training and performance have been established over centuries based on experience and evidence from male athletes. Many practitioners lack clarity around potential differences in physiology, biomechanics, motor learning, etc. that may influence the optimal training of female athletes. Given the growth of women's sports at all levels, exploring the nuances of training the female athlete is a critical area of discussion.

Panel Members:

Jordan Troester, Director, Performance and Sports Science, University of Oregon 

Kathryn Ackerman, Director, Wu Tsai Female Athlete Program, Boston Children’s Hospital / Chair, US Rowing Medical and Sports Science Commission / Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Kaelin Jackson, Strength and Conditioning Coach, University of Oregon 

9/12   3:30–5:00 p.m.

Inclusive Sports Product Research and Innovation

This panel will present research and innovations conducted by leading scholars, aimed at transforming the sports industry towards greater inclusivity. 

Panel Members:

Susan Sokolowski (Moderator), Professor, University of Oregon

David Legg, Professor, Mount Royal University

Dr. Aimee Mears, Senior Lecturer in Sports Engineering and Biomechanics, Loughborough University

Ken Kozloff, Professor, University of Michigan

Lauren West, 2nd Year Graduate Student at University of Oregon, Sports Product Design with a focus on Adaptive Athletics Design in Apparel and Footwear

Rue Rupprecht, Graduate Student at University of Oregon, Sports Product Design

9/12   3:30–5:00 p.m.

Leadership in Sport in the 21st Century

Are our leaders in sport (industry, teams) equipped to deal with 21st century challenges?  If no, what do we need to do to get them prepared? 

Panel Members:

John Cairney (Moderator), Head of School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences, University of Queensland

Rick Burton, David B. Falk Endowed Professor, Syracuse University’s David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

Emma Beckman, Associate Professor, University of Queensland

Dr. Cherie Harris, New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby, Swimming New Zealand

9/12   3:30–5:00 p.m.

Physical and Mental Health Impacts on Youth 

Discussing the value of physical fitness, sportsmanship, practice and teamwork through sports and activities with an emphasis on age-appropriate movement & motor skill development, physical activity, screen time, and specialized physical education for youth with disabilities.

Panel Members:

Nick Willett (Moderator), Professor, The University of Oregon

Beverly Smith, Managing Director, Civic Park / Executive Director, KidSports 

Steven Kwang San Tan, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Jernice Tan, Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

DAY TWO - September 13

9/13   9:00–10:00 a.m.

Para Athlete Keynote


John Cairney (Moderator), Head of School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences, University of Queensland

David Legg, Professor, Mount Royal University

Vicky Tolfrey, Professor, Loughborough University

9/13   10:00–11:00 a.m.

GSUN - Guiding Principles and Next Steps

9/13   11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

Innovations in Sportswear, Wearable Technology and Training Equipment for Enhanced Athletic Performance and Well-Being  

The intersection of technology and sportswear has given rise to a new generation of innovations designed to optimize athletic performance and overall well-being. This panel will explore the latest advancements in materials, ergonomic design, integrated wearable technology and training equipment that collectively contribute to an athlete's competitive edge. We will delve into how these innovations not only improve physical performance and injury prevention but also offer insights into the physiological, psychological, and biomechanical aspects of athletic health. Additionally, we will discuss the role of smart fabrics, real-time data analytics, and personalized training equipment in revolutionizing the way athletes train. By examining case studies and expert opinions, this panel aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how cutting-edge technology is shaping the future of sports and athletic well-being. 

Panel Members:

Joanne Yip (Moderator), Professor and Associate Dean of School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Raymond Kai-Yu Tong, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 

Dr. Ruixin Liang, Research Assistant Professor at School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr. Qiuqiong Shi, Research Assistant Professor at School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

9/13   11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

Para Sport: An Outstanding Value Proposition for Leading Sports Universities

Originally a novel rehabilitation approach for seriously injured military personnel, Para sport has transitioned to become, arguably, the world’s third-largest sports event. The mix of people with severe impairments pushing their bodies to the limit in the pursuit of athletic excellence, creates a plethora of unique opportunities for universities to amplify their impact, not only in sports science and sports medicine, but in rehabilitation technology, architecture, business, marketing, the law, philosophy and ethics.  

Panel Members:

Emma Beckman (Moderator), Associate Professor, University of Queensland

Vicky Tolfrey, Professor, Loughborough University

Sean Tweedy, Professor, University of Queensland 

9/13   11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

Women’s Health and Performance

Presented by Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Oregon

Experts will discuss performance and health benefits in women over the course of life stages including menstruation, exercise in the prevention of obesity, metabolic health and appetite regulation, the role of lifestyle modification on cardiometabolic risk reduction and low energy availability in the Asian female athlete. 

Panel Members:

Elena Portas (Moderator), Portas Consulting

Masashi Miyashita, Professor, Waseda University

Dr. Emma O’Donnell, Senior Lecturer in Exercise Physiology, Loughborough University 

Swarup Mukherjee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

9/13   1:00–3:00 p.m.

PANEL: EMU Ballroom

UNESCO, Global Sport Policy, and Sport for Development: Exploring Future Roles for GSUN  

This panel focuses on two interconnecting areas. First, it explores the current and future work of UNESCO in sport, physical activity, and physical education; second, it explores current and future trends in the wider domain of global sport policy and ‘sport for development’, involving diverse stakeholders. The panel examines how GSUN network members work in these global areas (such as through UNESCO Chairs), and how these activities may be strengthened to maximize influence and impact on policy and practice. 

Panel Members:

Richard  Giulianotti (Moderator), Professor, Loughborough University

Dr. Lombé Mwambwa, Research Director, The Global Observatory for Gender Equality and Sport

Sarah Lüdecke, Data, Research, and Innovation Workstream Lead for UNESCO's Fit for Life initiative

Jennifer Hicks, Executive Director of the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Stanford University

Ansgar Thiel, President, German Sport University Cologne

Brian Wilson, Professor, The University of British Columbia

Dr. Joon-Ho Kang, Dean of the College of Education, Director of the Dream Together Master Program, and Professor of Sport Management at Seoul National University

Satchidananda Panda, PhD, Professor, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

9/13   3:15–4:45 p.m.

Best Practices in Physical Activity/Sport Promotion for Optimal and Equitable Health Outcomes

A multi-disciplinary panel of experts present on evidence-supported practices for promoting more equitable engagement in physical activity/sport, and optimal physical and mental health outcomes for athletes. Panelists contextualize the need for and implementation of such practices among athletes across levels from recreational to collegiate.  

Panel Members:

Elizabeth Budd (Moderator), Evergreen Associate Professor, College of Education, Family and Human Services, Prevention Science, University of Oregon

Tiffany Brown, PhD, LMFT, Chief Science Officer, Athletes Mental Health Foundation

Greta Jarvis, MS, MPH, Founder, Center for Active Women 

Nichole Kelly, Evergreen Associate Professor, College of Education, Counseling Psychology, Family and Human Services, Prevention Science, University of Oregon

Erica Woekel, Associate Clinical Professor, Oregon State University

9/13   3:15–4:45 p.m.

Indigenous Sport 

This all-Indigenous panel brings university-based researchers together with community organizational leaders to discuss the future of Indigenous sport. Their combined expertise will focus on the North American context, as it intersects with international rights movements including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The issues they raise can be used to guide university strategic plans that aim to support Indigenous reconciliation through sport. 

Panel Members:

Janice Forsyth (Moderator), Professor, The University of British Columbia

Claudia Jimerson, Director of Women's Lacrosse Operations & Board Member, Haudenosaunee Nationals

Dr. Christine O’Bonsawin, Associate Professor, History and Indigenous Studies, University of Victoria

Dr. Natalie Welch, Executive Director, Rise Above / Professor, Seattle University